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Tổng số: 78 (16 trang)

1. Latin American Military and Politics in the Twenty-first Century A Cross-National Analysis

Latin American Military and Politics in the Twenty-first Century A Cross-National Analysis

Tác giả: Dirk Kruijt, Kees Koonings
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 300

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304 lượt xem

2. Nuclear Governance in the Asia - Pacific

Nuclear Governance in the Asia - Pacific

Tác giả: Mely Caballero-Anthony, Julius Cesar I. Trajano
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 184

Chi tiết
189 lượt xem

3. Mongolia and Northeast Asian Security Nuclear Proliferation, Environment, and Civilisational Confrontations

Mongolia and Northeast Asian Security Nuclear Proliferation, Environment, and Civilisational Confrontations

Tác giả: Alicia J. Campi, Jagannath Panda
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 330

Chi tiết
219 lượt xem

4. India – Africa Relations: Changing Horizons

India – Africa Relations: Changing Horizons

Tác giả: Rajiv Bhatia
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 249

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238 lượt xem

5. U.S. Relations with South Africa: An Annotated Bibliography

 U.S. Relations with South Africa: An Annotated Bibliography

Tác giả: Y. G-m. Lulat
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 288

Chi tiết
310 lượt xem