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Tổng số: 104 (21 trang)

1. Youth Politics in Urban Asia

Youth Politics in Urban Asia

Tác giả: Yi'En Cheng, Sonia Lam-Knott
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 150

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361 lượt xem

2. China and the International Human Rights Regime

China and the International Human Rights Regime

Tác giả: Rana Siu Inboden
NXB: Cambridge
Số trang: 320

Chi tiết
302 lượt xem

3. The Brexit Challenge for Ireland and the United Kingdom: Constitutions under Pressure

The Brexit Challenge for Ireland and the United Kingdom: Constitutions under Pressure

Tác giả: Oran Doyle, Aileen McHarg, Jo Murkens
NXB: Cambridge
Số trang: 350

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411 lượt xem

4. The Partisan Next Door

The Partisan Next Door

Tác giả: Ethan C. Busby, Adam J. Howat, Jacob E. Rothschild, Richard M. Shafranek
NXB: Cambridge
Số trang: 0

Chi tiết
166 lượt xem

5. The American Political Economy: Politics, Markets and Power

The American Political Economy: Politics, Markets and Power

Tác giả: Jacob S. Hacker, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Paul Pierson, Kathleen Thelen
NXB: Cambridge
Số trang: 400

Chi tiết
304 lượt xem