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Tổng số: 104 (21 trang)

1. Look East to Act East Policy - Implications for India's Northeast

Look East to Act East Policy - Implications for India's Northeast

Tác giả: Gurudas Das, C. Joshua Thomas
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 252

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2. Subhas Bose: Strategic Concepts and Diplomatic Thoughts

Subhas Bose: Strategic Concepts and Diplomatic Thoughts

Tác giả: Abul Kalam
NXB: Manohar
Số trang: 160

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3. Struggle For Freedom

Struggle For Freedom

Tác giả: B.K. Sharma
NXB: Saroj Books
Số trang: 333

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4. India’s Act East Policy

India’s Act East Policy

Tác giả: Josukutty C.A
NXB: New Century
Số trang: 164

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5. India’s Eastward Engagement: From Antiquity to act East policy

India’s Eastward Engagement: From Antiquity to act East policy

Tác giả: S.D Muni & Rahul Mishra
NXB: Sage
Số trang: 329

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