Kinh tế

Tổng số: 79 (16 trang)

1. State-Owned Enterprises in the Global Economy

State-Owned Enterprises in the Global Economy

Tác giả: Maciej Bałtowski, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 342

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2. Real Estate and Taxation in Singapore

Real Estate and Taxation in Singapore

Tác giả: Hong Beng Tay, Yew Kwong Leung, Wei Hwa See
NXB: World Scientific
Số trang: 636

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3. Brexit and Energy Law - Implications and Opportunities

Brexit and Energy Law - Implications and Opportunities

Tác giả: Ana Stanič, Silke Goldberg
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 268

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4. Asian Foreign Direct Investment in Europe

Asian Foreign Direct Investment in Europe

Tác giả: Prana Krishna Biswas, Robert Dygas
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 146

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5. Developing the Digital Economy in ASEAN

Developing the Digital Economy in ASEAN

Tác giả: Lurong Chen, Fukunari Kimura
NXB: Routledge
Số trang: 300

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